Member | The Role of Nonprofit Boards in Strategic Planning


October 23, 2024

Start Time

9:00 am

End Time

10:30 am



Event Type


Registration Details

Members: Free

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One of the key responsibilities of a nonprofit board is developing and supporting successful strategies for the organization. Considering the unique needs and structures of nonprofits, it can be challenging for board members to discern the best ways for them to contribute to the strategic planning process. Many nonprofits have staff that carry the vision forward into implementation, but for certain types of boards, some (or all) of that responsibility is placed on them as well.

In this new addition to our member-exclusive board series, we’re taking a deeper dive into the role of the board in guiding strategic thinking, planning, and execution. We’ll discuss how different “types” of boards impact that role, and ways that board members can make meaningful contributions in support of the long-term effectiveness of the nonprofits they serve.

As with all our programs for nonprofit boards, we encourage board members and the staff who work with them to attend. We’ll be outlining best practices and resources to guide your next strategy session and answer your questions about the board’s role in strategic planning.


This session is for board members and staff of GCN member organizations. Member dues must be current when the session takes place to receive access. 

Want to register a board member who doesn’t have an account? There are two ways:

Questions? Contact us at or 678-916-3080.

Not a member? Become a GCN member and gain access to great events like this.

Registration Note

Due to a system update, you may encounter a pop-up blocker while registering for upcoming programs. To be sure your registration processes correctly, please be sure your browser allows pop-ups for the GCN Portal. Click here for instructions.


Jim Neal
Jim Neal

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