Certificate of Principle-Centered Leadership


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Event Type

Nonprofit University

Registration Details

Members: $450
Non-Members: $550

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What is ineffectiveness costing you?  Conflicting priorities, unclear objectives, poor communication, a lack of trust, and everyday distractions can make it easy for teams to burn out and lose focus.

Consider the price paid in time, energy, money, and productivity when you or your team members:

  • Don’t show initiative.
  • Avoid having candid conversations about tough issues.
  • Are unclear about the alignment between organizational priorities and your purpose, position, and work goals.
  • Are routinely reacting to interpersonal conflict or office politics – “putting out fires” – instead of pursuing your mission.

Effectiveness matters! In this seven-part course, each covering one core principle-centered leadership practice (listed below), you will explore what it means to be a principle-centered leader and how to use emotional intelligence to maximize effectiveness – whether motivating yourself, your peers, or even your managers. Learn to lead while strengthening all individuals in your organization, refocusing on your mission, and improving retention. Join Coach Tracey Knight for this interactive, affirming, and immediately applicable workshop.

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Discuss responsibility and accountability with your team to establish, collaboratively, how those principles look.
  • Set measurable team and personal goals in alignment with your organization’s mission and vision.
  • Identify important activities using planning and prioritization skills.
  • Explain the qualities of high-trust relationships.
  • Deploy techniques to overcome common pitfalls that interfere with interpersonal communication.
  • Design opportunities for collaborative decision making.
  • Define life balance for yourself.
Practice 1: Be Responsible

  • Understand principles. 
  • Align your beliefs, attitude, and actions. 
  • Hold yourself/others accountable. 
Practice 2: Be Intentional

  • Define vision and values. 
  • Set measurable goals. 
  • Focus on the process of greatness. 
Practice 3: Be Prepared and Action-Oriented

  • Create a strategy. 
  • Proactively execute strategy. 
  • Focus and prioritize important activities. 
Practice 4:  Focus on the “We”

  • Build high-trust relationships. 
  • Build effective teams. 
  • Prioritize win-win solutions. 
Practice 5: Focus on Connection, Comprehension, and Communication

  • Overcome conflict. 
  • Empathize and seek to understand others. 
  • Communicate viewpoints with clarity, conciseness, and compassion. 
Practice 6: Focus on Inter-Dependence

  • Value differences.
  • Apply collaborative decision-making and problem-solving.
  • Build on divergent strengths. 
Practice 7: Prioritize Work-Life Balance

  • Define your ideal life. 
  • Identify the cause of burnout. 
  • Achieve life balance. 


Whether managing down, across, or up in your organization, this course is designed for any nonprofit professional. Supervisors of teams and emerging leaders among junior staff may find this course particularly valuable.

Registration note

Due to a system update, you may encounter a pop-up blocker while registering for upcoming programs. To be sure your registration processes correctly, please be sure your browser allows pop-ups for the GCN Portal. Click here for instructions.

Coming soon!


tracey knight
Tracey Knight

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