The Board Recruitment Process: Best Practices for Assessing Needs and Finding New Members

arrow-left Back to Board & Governance Resources The Board Recruitment Process:Best Practices for Assessing Needs and Finding New Members By GCN’s Nonprofit Consulting Group Keeping a nonprofit board populated with the right people is essential to the success of the organization. That’s why board recruitment requires a well-thought-out process for understanding exactly what roles you […]

The Nonprofit Lifecycle: A Model for Making Smart Decisions

arrow-left Back to Resources The Nonprofit Lifecycle: A Model for Making Smart Decisions By GCN’s Nonprofit Consulting Group All nonprofit organizations have natural lifecycles, from a grassroots idea to peak vitality to a turnaround (or termination). For decades, books and research have focused on the lifecycle process as a way to describe different organizational opportunities […]

How to lead a diverse team? Systematically.

arrow-left Back to Board & Governance Resources How to lead a diverse team? Systematically. By Dr. Peter Topping The following piece is based on a presentation by Dr. Peter Topping at Emory University’s Goizueta Business School, hosted by GCN, on managing diverse teams. Though framed around managing a workforce team generally, Dr. Topping’s lessons are […]

The Value of Difference: DEI and Cultural Intelligence, Explained

arrow-left Back to Board & Governance Resources The Value of Difference: DEI and Cultural Intelligence, Explained By GCN’s Nonprofit Consulting Group Diversity, equity, and inclusion – commonly abbreviated DEI – is a fundamental concept for anyone doing business today, and particularly for those leading and working in nonprofits. Naturally, this extends to the nonprofit board: […]

Sources for Finding Diverse Board Candidates

arrow-left Back to Board & Governance Resources Sources for Building a Diverse Board Several organizations in Georgia prepare emerging leaders and diverse voices for board service. In addition, professional associations are great places to start looking for candidates with the particular skills you need. You can also find top candidates, ready to take on board […]

The Case for Diversifying the Boardroom

arrow-left Back to Board & Governance Resources The Case for Diversifying the Board Room By Paige McKay Kubik “Nothing about us without us.” It’s an idea that spurred revolutionary Bostonians to toss tea overboard in 1773, shouting, “No taxation without representation!” And for decades, it’s been the rallying cry of disability advocates, who insist that […]

Getting Board Recruitment Right: What Your Nonprofit Board Needs in Three Easy Tables

arrow-left Back to Board & Governance Resources Getting Board Recruitment Right: What Your Nonprofit Board Needs in Three Easy Tables Just as important as developing a deep individual relationship with each board member, it’s also important to understand what your team of individuals amounts to, and what qualities, skills, and connections it still needs to […]

Three Basic Responsibilities of All Nonprofit Board Members

arrow-left Back to Board & Governance Resources Three Basic Responsibilities of All Nonprofit Board Members People who serve on a nonprofit board are held to the same legal standards as those who serve on a corporate board, which boils down to the Duty of Care, the Duty of Loyalty, and the Duty of Obedience. The […]

Board & Governance Resource Hub

Boards of directors are extremely important to the success of every nonprofit organization. The board has the legal and ethical responsibility to govern the organization, set future strategy, define impact, hire leadership, and ensure resources are in place to meet the mission. Done right, a board of directors can make all of the difference in […]