Management Accelerator | Module 2: Managing Teams


March 26, 2025

Start Time

9:00 am

End Time

12:30 pm



Event Type

Nonprofit University

Registration Details

Members: $600
Non-Members: $800
Discounts are available when you register a team and/or for multiple accelerator cores. Email us for details!

Our Management Accelerator covers a comprehensive set of skills, divided into three management areas: individuals, teams, and strategy. Together, these three Accelerator modules will equip nonprofit managers to succeed in a demanding environment and deliver value for the organization quickly.

The Managing Teams module will focus on the skills needed to become effective and inclusive leaders who are capable of aligning and building high-impact teams even in times of uncertainty and change.

Note: Management Accelerator modules are not covered by the NU Subscription plan.


What’s included

Team Assessments

March 26, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm

Every team has a personality, which is derived from the individual personalities and styles of the people within it. These types influence team effectiveness, including communication, problem-solving. and morale. This workshop will present assessment tools and processes to understand how your team prefers to acquire and apply knowledge, how issues inspire or worry them, and how you can lead team discovery to strengthen working relationships.

What you will do in this workshop:

  • Learn how personalities influence working relationships
  • Learn and test tools that can measure factors likely to affect your team’s effectiveness
  • Discuss factors that can improve communication across your team
  • Leverage insights into personality to help team members develop their individual strengths


Inclusive Behaviors in Management

April 2, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm

Inclusive leadership is a critical capability for leveraging diverse thinking in a workforce with increasingly diverse markets, customers, and talent. What makes people feel included in organizations, are treated fairly and respectfully, are valued, and belong? Many things factor in – including an organization’s mission, policies, and practices, as well as co-worker behaviors – but much comes down to leaders: What leaders say and do has been found to make up to 70 percent of the difference when an individual is asked to report whether they feel included. This matters: The more people feel included, the more they will speak up, go the extra mile, and collaborate — all of which ultimately lifts organizational performance.

What you will do in this workshop:

  • Learn the traits that inclusive managers share
  • Discuss what the traits mean and look like in daily management practice
  • Discuss inclusive behaviors in management such as interviewing, hiring, compensating, promoting, and mentoring
  • Learn how to flag, discuss, and optimize organizational systems for maximum equity and inclusion and to avoid common bias hotspots


Building Trust Rapidly

April 16, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm

Trust is one of the qualities managers must cultivate, but it can be hard to wrap our heads around how to do that. A healthy level of trust has clear results, including people who are driven to work above and beyond while maintaining a positive work culture.

This workshop will teach participants how to create trust within and across teams, boost psychological safety, improve cross-cultural and cross-functional communication, and learn from failure.

What you will do in this workshop:

  • Learn the 5 Cs of trust-based leadership
  • Make the connection between trust and productivity in the workplace
  • Discuss practical versus emotional trust
  • Discuss the three biggest trust-breaking behaviors within teams and how to manage them
  • Learn and discuss a ten-point system for building trust with nearly anyone


Effective Delegation & Accountability

April 23, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm

Delegation is a vital management skill, but one of the hardest to put into practice. The reasons why managers shy away from delegating range from the “time to explain” trap, feelings of guilt, lack of confidence in deciding who to delegate to, and personal attachment to projects. Refusing to delegate can have many negative consequences, including schedule overload, prioritizing the wrong tasks, and diminishing employee growth. This workshop will help managers learn to navigate the obstacles and delegate in a manner that cultivates high-performing teams.

What you will do in this workshop:

  • Learn the five principles for successful delegation
  • Practice using a framework for successfully delegating to others
  • Discuss the balance of delegation and accountability in a team
  • Learn and practice a range of tools and techniques for improving and supporting delegation and accountability
  • Discuss obstacles to delegation and learn ways to begin delegating effectively in your work starting now


Skillful Conflict & Collaboration Management

April 30, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm

Managers are often responsible for both internal and external relationships, including staff, donors, sponsors, and clients. No workplace is completely free of conflict – no matter how happy the employees may seem, or how smoothly external relations may go on an average day. When they arise, a poorly handled conflict can lose your nonprofit time and resources, but effective conflict resolution can actually turn conflict into a net positive, especially within a team, by improving relationships, employee performance, and retention rates. Knowing how to resolve conflicts with clients can also improve engagement success, maintain strong brand identity, and build a reputation for trustworthiness.

What you will do in this workshop:

  • Learn and practice using frameworks for managing conflict
  • Practice conflict mediation in order to stop wasting time, energy, and resources
  • Coach and give feedback to peers on handling conflict
  • Learn to increase productive collaboration and reduce unproductive conflict
  • Bridge the gap between different team cultures and collaboration styles
  • Understand how to successfully negotiate when priorities conflict


Learn more about our Management Accelerator here.

Questions? Reach out to us anytime.


Registration note

Due to a system update, you may encounter a pop-up blocker while registering for upcoming programs. To be sure your registration processes correctly, please be sure your browser allows pop-ups for the GCN Portal. Click here for instructions.


faculty hemingway square
Kristin D. Hemingway
Sara Totonchi

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