Certificate of Nonprofit Organization Management


March 1, 2024

Start Time

9:00 am

End Time

12:30 pm



Event Type

Nonprofit University

Registration Details

Members: $450
Non-Members: $595

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FREE to eligible arts organizations through the Georgia Arts Accelerator.


Designed to provide a strong overall foundation in all aspects of “NPO” management, this series focuses on preparing you to understand the evolving needs of the sector and meet day-to-day challenges within your organization. Five days of training focus on management principles and best practices across core disciplines of fundraising, boards, marketing, management, and finance.

Full participation in the Certificate of Nonprofit Organization Management is applicable for 17.5 points in Category 1.B – Education of the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.

Key Concepts

  • Overview of the nonprofit organization, including key challenges, revenue sources, operations, programs, and advocacy
  • Components of successful branding and promotion for nonprofit services, programs, and donors
  • Creating a development plan, infrastructure, prospect research program, and evaluation process
  • Clarified understanding of key financial terms, reports, controls and risks, audits, and metrics tracking
  • Managing volunteers and key HR responsibilities and challenges

Included Courses

The courses in this series have been renumbered to better reflect the content level and intended audience.

NPO 110 | The Nonprofit Organization

This session will provide you with a broad overview of the nonprofit sector, and is divided into four modules: NPO overview, revenue sources, operations/program management, and policy/advocacy. You’ll leave with a better understanding of the industry and how individual organizations are designed to achieve their missions. Learn more.

Upcoming Dates

March 1, 2024

NPO 120 | Nonprofit Marketing and Communications

Effective marketing and communication strategies are increasingly important as nonprofits strive to prove their relevance and garner public support. Through modules on marketing, brand management, communications and public relations, you’ll leave with a clearer understanding of how to enhance your organization’s reputation with stakeholders. Learn more.

Upcoming Dates

March 8, 2024

NPO 130 | Nonprofit Fundraising and Development

This course delivers a holistic view of effective fundraising for nonprofits. Areas of focus addressed in this session include creating a development plan, developing an infrastructure for that plan, effective prospect research, and program evaluation. Learn more.

Upcoming Dates

March 15, 2024

NPO 140 | Accounting for Your Mission: Finance for the Nonfinancial Manager

Are you making fiscally prudent decisions for your organization? Establish and maintain sound financial policies to ensure organizational sustainability. Learn more with modules covering financial reports, audits, assessments and 990s, internal controls and mission accountability, and identifying key metrics. Learn more.

Upcoming Dates

March 22, 2024

NPO 150 | Managing Staff and Volunteers

This session provides an overview of nonprofit human resources and volunteer management. Modules focus on HR responsibilities and challenges, as well as attracting, mobilizing and sustaining volunteers. Learn more.

Upcoming Dates

March 29, 2024

Registration Note

Due to a system update, you may encounter a pop-up blocker while registering for upcoming programs. To be sure your registration processes correctly, please be sure your browser allows pop-ups for the GCN Portal. Click here for instructions.


headshot C Anderson (1)
Caryn I. Anderson
Jack Beckford
Aileen Gabbey
Aileen Gabbey
Dr.B Headshot 400x400 px
Dr. Brandi Rae Hicks
faculty parnes square
Shelley Parnes

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