Data Resources for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

It’s critical to have the facts – including place-based statistics and other hard data – when making the case for DEI investment and when planning interventions to address the effects of systemic inequity.

Use the information at these links to put together talking points, grant proposals, and other materials demonstrating the need for racial equity work, and other DEI efforts, both in the field and within your organization.

DataNexus Map: Georgia

Neighborhood Nexus | State map tool with hundreds of indicators, plus dashboards for specific issues (COVID, commuting) and “profiles” of individual localities.

Atlanta Open Data and Mapping Hub

Atlanta Regional Commission | Access and explore City of Atlanta data in map or dashboard formats across a number of different categories, including race, economic, and housing information.

Inclusive Recovery in US Cities

Urban Institute | Empirical analysis of the ways that economic health and inclusion have interacted in US cities over several decades, including several that have experienced economic recoveries.

Spatial Equity Data Tool

Urban Institute | Mapping tool with data for measuring resource disparities at the national, state, city, and county levels. For help in using this tool, be sure to check the FAQ.

Race to Lead

Building Movement Project | Data, research, and news about the nonprofit sector’s racial leadership gap.

► Need more DEI support?

For more on-demand guidance, see our full DEI Resource Hub.

For up-skilling, join the next Eliminating Bias and Building Inclusion training bundle from Nonprofit University.

For custom solutions, contact GCN’s Nonprofit Consulting Group.