Sustainable Impact Cohorts

Program overview

Sustainable Impact Cohorts is a FREE, comprehensive three-month program that helps arts organizations strengthen their strategies, organization, and finances. Participants will learn skills to shape their organizations for sustainable growth while connecting with like-minded peers in a supportive environment that fosters collaboration, knowledge exchange, and lasting bonds.

Please note: The Fall Sustainable Impact Cohort is now at capacity and no longer accepting applicants. Watch this page for updates on the next Arts Accelerator cohort opportunity.

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What’s included

  • Organization assessment tools and help identifying your organization’s priority opportunities related to sustainability and growth
  • Six sessions covering key elements of organizational sustainability and growth:
    • Strategic clarity
    • Financial insight
    • Revenue strategy
    • Marketing strategy
    • Operational plans and budgets
    • Board engagement, implementation, and change management
  • Open coaching hours following each session
  • Three one-on-one coaching sessions with a nonprofit consultant
  • Tools and resources to help you assess, plan, and implement
  • A six-month check-in with your coach

Why Nonprofits should participate

  1. Structured solutions to strengthen your arts organization and position it for growth
  2. Opportunities to work with other arts organizations around the state
  3. Tailored guidance provided through one-on-one coaching


When it’s taking place

PLEASE NOTE: The deadline to apply for the Georgia Arts Accelerator has now passed.

Fall Cohort, starting September 17

  • Sessions take place 11:00 am – 12:30 pm every second Tuesday from September 17 through November 26 (9/17, 10/1, 10/15, 10/29, 11/12, 11/26)
  • Optional coaching calls are available 11:00 am – 12:00 pm every second Thursday from September 19 through December 5 (9/19, 10/3, 10/17, 10/31, 11/14, 12/5)


How to apply

The deadline to apply for the Georgia Arts Accelerator has now passed.

Who it’s for

Arts organizations in the state of Georgia, defined as a nonprofit that has an arts-based mission statement and where at least 50% of programming is arts-based.

Who puts it together

This program is part of the Georgia Arts Accelerator program, hosted by the Georgia Center for Nonprofits (GCN) and funded by the Georgia Council for the Arts (GCA).

What is the Georgia Arts Accelerator?

Arts organizations from across the state have three opportunities tailored to the differing needs, to strengthen their institutions – whether you’re looking to manage facilities, build up staff skills, or stabilize your organization following COVID. The GCA is fully funding program costs for qualifying organizations. Learn more about all three programs here.

More questions?

See our program FAQ page.

Please note: The deadline to apply for the Georgia Arts Accelerator program has now passed.

Questions? See the FAQs 
or email GCN.