Coalition Building and Partnership Development


April 16, 2025

Start Time

9:00 am

End Time

12:30 am



Event Type

Nonprofit University

Registration Details

Members: $95
Non-Members: $125

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The ability to collaborate effectively with diverse partners is a critical leadership skill, whether you are building or strengthening a coalition, engaging with the communities most affected by the issues you address, or partnering with other nonprofit organizations to advance a shared goal. Partners can contribute essential skills, relationships, and resources to your efforts; they also bring credibility and support to your programs, and increase the impact and reach of your work, by ensuring that key stakeholders have a voice in decision-making.

While the benefits are clear, partnership work is inherently challenging. Using real-world examples from collaborative efforts in the nonprofit field, this interactive course will demonstrate best practices for effective partnerships, allow you to practice playing a role in managing conflict with partners, and provide useful tools that you can apply to clarify partner roles, track progress, and collaborate successfully.

Key Concepts

  • The benefits and challenges of working with partners 
  • Defining the purpose and scope of the partnership 
  • Choosing the right structure for the partnership or coalition 
  • Identifying and engaging key partners 
  • Utilizing best practices for effective collaboration and shared decision-making 
  • Ensuring mutual benefit for partners 
  • Managing conflict and building trust 
  • Hosting inclusive and collaborative meetings 
  • Applying simple tools to communicate, stay organized, and hold partners accountable

Learning Objectives

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify the benefits and challenges of working with partners to achieve goals.
  • Recognize best practices for effective partnerships.
  • Explain how to establish and maintain collaborative processes for partner communication and interaction.
  • Apply a sample tool to assign tasks and keep partners organized.


Nonprofit professionals tasked with leading or supporting external partnership efforts.



Registration note

Due to a system update, you may encounter a pop-up blocker while registering for upcoming programs. To be sure your registration processes correctly, please be sure your browser allows pop-ups for the GCN Portal. Click here for instructions.


Helen Robinson, M.P.A.

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