Member Series | Curating High-Value Partnerships


May 1, 2025

Start Time

9:00 am

End Time

10:00 am



Event Type


Registration Details

Members: Free

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While partnerships between for-profit and nonprofit entities tend to be transactional, nonprofits have the opportunity to nurture these relationships, yielding higher value and stronger outcomes for all parties. 

In this three-session member-exclusive series, corporate engagement veteran Cynthia Currence will illuminate the practices and skills required to transform these relationships. Each interactive session will highlight a different tactic you can develop to advance your nonprofit’s partnerships. We encourage you to attend all three sessions, but you are welcome to attend as many as you are able. (See “Session Topics” below to register for individual sessions, or click the “Register Now” button to sign up for the full series.)


This session is for leaders and staff of GCN member organizations. Member dues must be current when the session takes place to receive access.

Want to register someone who doesn’t have an account? There are two ways:

Session Topics

May 1: Business Orientation

May 8: Asset Identification & Fair Value Exchange

May 15: Utilizing Soft Skills

Or you can register for all three here!


Headshot of Cynthia Currence

Cynthia E. Currence, Founder of Currence & Associates, has worked with large nonprofit organizations for over 30 years, building and running corporate engagement units for the World Vision and the American Cancer Society (as VP of Brand Strategy and Marketing), and leading major donor engagement at Women for Women International and Children International.

Currence’s relational approach to defining partner needs and co-creating shared value has generated more than $100 million for nonprofits in partnerships with investors and major companies. In addition to her track record, Currence has authored a book, Beyond Checks and Halos, rooted in her expert knowledge of brand strategy and marketing and in her deep belief in the power of connection.


Questions? Contact us at or 678-916-3080.

Registration note

Due to a system update, you may encounter a pop-up blocker while registering for upcoming programs. To be sure your registration processes correctly, please be sure your browser allows pop-ups for the GCN Portal. Click here for instructions.

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